AB Intellection > Quran
Why are the Imāms (as) not named in the Qurʾān?
This is a question that is often asked, with the assumption that had the Imāms (as) been named, it would have prevented disagreement, let alone violence amongst Muslims for centuries. Rather, since for Shīʿas Imāmate is a key aspect of correct faith, why has the Qurʾān not made it crystal clear who the Imāms (as) […]
Building a Relationship with the Qurʾān
One evening I had iftar with some fellow students at my teacher’s house. After iftar we expected to spend some time, perhaps asking questions and benefitting from our teacher’s presence. But then he did something that had more of an effect on me than a night of discussion. Inadvertently he picked up his Qurʾān and […]